Aivo jälje- ja kaitseseminar Uus-Meremaal


Keset külmi talveilmu oli mul rõõm paar nädalat suve nautida ning koeri treenida Uus-Meremaal. Viibisin seal New Zealand United Schutzhund Club'i kutsel. Tegemist oli tõeliselt meeldiva üritusega, mis oli väga heal tasemel organiseeritud. Meeldiv on tõdeda et kõik osalejad olid innustunud ning kõrgelt motiveeritud. Enamik osalenud koeri oli piisavalt hea närvikava ja instinktidega, mis võimaldab neil kõrgemaid eesmärke seada ning neid ka saavutada. Lähtuvalt sellest kõigest positiivsest taustast sai ka koertega saavutatud märkimisväärset edasiliikumist. Enamik koertest olid belgia lambakoer malinois'd, lisaks paar rottweilerit, dobermann, hollandi ning saksa lambakoerad. Ilmselgelt jään seda reisi meenutama sooja tundega hinges.

Pildid seminarist ja Uus-Meremaast leiab SIIT.

Järgnevalt 5 osaleja kommentaarid FaceBook'is pärast seminari toimumist.


From speeding and over-shooting corners to tracking like this on day 4 of our training, to "passing" IPO 1 track on day 7. Can't thank you enough Aivo for the valuable tips! We are inspired to keep on tracking Aivo style!


i had some guys form germany work demon and ash today. Its amazing to see the difference in the dogs after 6 days working with Aivo, all 3 guys noticed a huge improvement in demon, infact they thought i swopped dogs, mind you i thought the same LOL. Ash was clean and outed perfectly grips were amazingly better, Demon worked extremely well again, Then we (and i say we loosely) did a track for ash, the comments wow dog tracked nicely b4 what have you done?? dog was extremely careful, precise, lovely corners perfect articles, i said LOL its the Aivo way of tracking great method, the perfect method, and cant thank Aivo enough for sorting the issues out there and also in the bite work, now i think roll on the nationals


Tracking at the Aivo Seminar!!! Was fantastic, we learned so much!!!


Tracking and C work. Fantastic. Incredible devotion and expertise from Aivo. Sad loss for those that could make it but have not. What an opportunity to share some time with Aivo during his holiday in NZ.


For the ones who didn't come they will never know what a opportunity they lost.