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News from 2013:
Club Sportkoer wishes everyone a lovely holiday season and happy new sporting year!
On 22.12 there was Estonian Kennel Union's Gala Show, where also best sportdogs and their handlers of the year 2013 were awarded. It was a great pleasure to cheer for our sportsmen who received their well-earned prizes - best 4 places in IPO category, best 2 places in PJK/FH category and also 2. place in KK (national obedience) category. Congratulations to everyone and thanks to EKU for nice event! Results:
1. Estrellest Hurmuri Hundiin & Anu Oks
2. Estrellest Hurmuri Käbi & Merike Kungla
3. Wunderstern Joop & Toomas Kattel
4. Eileen Blue des Bergers de Corail & Kristi Roosvald
1. Tulikuuma Sähkövirta & Aarne Väli
2. Estrellest Hurmuri Käbi & Merike Kungla
2. Estrellest Hurmuri Hundiin & Anu Oks
In November we added some new things to our homepage! Under Our Club there is now a link to our club's presentation together with a video. We also added much more information about our trainers in Trainers' section.
The sport season of 2013 is behind us and our team has many nice results to look back to and also this year's Sportkoer's party has been held. Of course this does not mean, that one can let loose indefinitely ;) and trainings are rolling again! On Nov 23th there was a quite colourful set of dogs present in protection training, pictures from this day can be seen under Photos!
20.10.2013 there was IPO competition in Tartu, organized by GSD club "Uran". Judge was Vilve Roosioks, helpers Tuukka Nikola and Tõnu Mägi. There were 2 teams from our club in action, Katriin and Qwinto unfortunately did not pass the C part, but Anu and Hundu did good performance in all parts and achieved first place! Congratulations! The results were following:
1. Estrellest Hurmuri Hundiin & Anu Oks 261p (92/83/86A)
Heleros Qwinto & Katriin Salumaa (94/78/16NG)
Already 4th year in a row, we are organizing unofficial tracking competition for puppies and young dogs called JÄLJEHUNT. Main idea is to give people possibility to
test their dogs before they will be at real competition level. At first it
was meant just for puppies. There were two classes - puppies under 8 months and 8-12 months. But as people also
wanted so-called hobby class, where there would be no age limit, we added also that one. Only criteria is that the dogs could not have been starting at official trials before.
At jäljehunt, the track is 45 minutes old and made by a
stranger. In puppy classes there is 1 corner in Hobby class 2 corners.
Tracking will be done 2 meters away from the dog (with about 2,7m long leash). In
small puppy class it is allowed to place 15 pieces of food on the track, older puppy
and hobby class have 10 pieces of food. Every owner sends his or her food placement for the organizers before the competition. Everything else is like in the real competition. Owners can't see how their tracks are layed. They will be gathering
somewhere else. They can't give additional commands or help dog somehow
The results of this year's competition were following:
Väike Jäljehunt (younger puppy class):
1. Aivo Oblikas & Daneskjold Hawk (MAL, 6k) - 94p
Hobi Jäljehunt (hobby class):
1. Triin Kalekin & Defendervil Gretel (GSD, 1y7m) - 99p
2. Katrin Lilleorg & Ritast Raju (GS, 3y10m) - 85p
3. Agle Oissar & Nochnoj Dozor Italya (GSD, 1y10m) - 73p
4. Andry Kikkull & Fiorella Iz Korolevstva D'Allba (DOB, 2y8m) - 47p
Photos and videos can be found under respective menu links!
The last champioships of this season is now behind us - on Oct 5-6 there were Estonian Championships in IPO-FH in Jõgevamaa. The tracking dogs were judged by Pentti Rapila from Finland. All three dogs from our club showed superb work:
1. Tulikuuma Sähkövirta & Aarne Väli 193p (96/97) - Estonian Champions!
2. Estrellest Hurmuri Käbi & Merike Kungla 186p (91/95)
Vyatkins' Vesper & Reelika Reilson (58/95)
Aarne ja Sannu achieved the grade "excellent", that had been unreachable to Estonian teams until that day. So great! Sannu is also first malinois ever to achieve IPO-FH result in Estonia. Merike and Käbi also showed impressive tracking on both days and terrains and achieved grade "very good".
With these results, Aarne & Sannu and Merike & Käbi have qualified to participate at FCI IPO-FH World Championships 2014 in Germany!! Well done!
Reelika and Fiona did not pass the first track (Fiona left the main track to follow the cross-track), but on the second day they also showed some really great tracking
All results can be seen here.
Congratulations to evereyone!
On Sept 28, there were Estonian Championships in KK (national obedience) in Kadrina, judged by Aivo Oblikas. In a really tight competition, Anu Oks & Estrellest Hurmuri Hundiin achieved first place. This is a third Champion title for Anu and Hundu in 2013! Huge congratulations!
All results can be seen here.
And on this weekend there will be next Estonian Championships, this time in IPO-FH. We are holding fingers crossed for our teams:
Estrellest Hurmuri Käbi & Merike Kungla
Vyatkins' Vesper & Reelika Reilson
Tulikuuma Sähkövirta & Aarne Väli
Added videos from IPO and FH trials on Sept 14. All videos can be found togethter on Videos' page and also on pages of each dog. There are also photos up now from tracking training on Sept 22, where also little celebraton of previous weekends' success was held.
On Sept 21, Lithuanian GSD main speciality show was held, judge was Rainer Mast and helper Viktoras Avtuško. In working class Katriin & Qwinto and Veiko & Vegas successfully passed bitework and Vegas also got the award of having best bitework among males! Congratulations!
14.09 Sportkoer organized IPO and FH trials and we got many new results! trials were judged by Tatjana Tšernjakova, helper was Aivo
Oblikas. This day was truly successful and many nice performances could be seen. Here are the results:
Ruutipussi Nuutti & Taivo Maar 279p (96/91/92) TSB A
Estrellest Ustav Blakcy & Andres Väliste 266p (97/89/80) TSB A
Neshas Mirazas & Jovita Budvytiene 244p (72/79/93) TSB A
Vyatkins' Vesper & Reelika Reilson 96p
Hillary Solo Rigoletto & Kätlyn Prank 84p
Big congratulations to everyone!
All the handlers who started in IPO are training their first dogs (they train tracking, obedience and protection in our club) and this was their first IPO trial and second official performance (together with BH). It was really satisfying to see, that the trainings had worked out nicely and all the dogs and handlers did a great job during the trial!
Taivo's Ruudi is now also the youngest dog ever achieved IPO result in Estonia - he is 1 year and 8 months.
We thank Tatjana for judging and all the people, that helped to organize the trial (including of course the handlers of the white dogs - Reelikat and Monika) and took videos and pictures (Merike, Kalev)!
The gallery from the IPO trial can be seen under Photos and there are also Kalev's photos and some first videos already visible at our FB page. Other videos will follow soon to homepage.
24-25.08.2013 there were ESLÜ IPO Championships. Judge was Keijo Kodis from Finland and helpers Rene Radala and Janar Klement. The people training in our club had both better and harder moments. Congratulations for podium place and German Shepherd's title for Anu and for best tracking of the championship for Merike! We are also happy for our Latvian friends for achieving 2 highest places.
The results were following:
Aussenhaus Malissa & Katriin Salumaa 59/54/75VH
3. Estrellest Hurmuri Hundiin & Anu Oks 279p (98/92/89A)
5. Estrellest Hurmuri Käbi & Merike Kungla 266p (99/92/75A)
8. Heleros Qwinto & Katriin Salumaa 239p (95/77/74VH)
Eileen Blue des Bergers de Corail & Kristi Roosvald disq
Tulikuuma Sähkövirta & Aarne Väli disq
Pictures can be seen under Photos!
And once again - young and eager tracking dogs - get ready! This is your chance - JÄLJEHUNT 2013 is coming! The fun unofficial tracking competition will be held on October 13 near Tallinn, tracking takes place on dirt field. For further information look under Events or contact us directly (mari.ojarand@gmail.com).
On August 3-4 there was Balti Sieger speciality show tohegter with GSD breed survey. Judges were Heinz Scheerer and Harald Hohmann from Germany, helpers Janar Klement and Rene Radala.
First time breed survey was successfully passed by:
*Aussenhaus Malissa & Katriin Salumaa
*Margman Niten & Piret Koor
In the working class these teams passed the bitework:
*Heleros Qwinto & Katriin Salumaa
*Wunderstern Team Las Vegas & Veiko Väljas
*Wunderstern Joop & Toomas Kattel
*Margman Wildfire Wanda & Monika Rusing
Added many new phpto galleries: ESLÜ's IPO competition (25-26.05), protection training demontration at Estonian Winner show, Sportkoer's training camp 2013 and IPO Est Ch/CACIT IPO Estonia 2013. The author of the photos is Kalev Lilleorg (except Sportkoer's camp), thank you Kalev! There are many links to photos, videos and other media at IPO Est Ch/CACIT IPO Estonia webpage under link Photos & Media. We are adding the comments of the judge and winner of the competition soon!
On the photo: participants of Sportkoer's training camp 2013!
Grandiose Estonian IPO Championship/CACIT Estonia 2013 is now behind us! Competitions were judged by Pentti Rapila (Finland) and Vilve Roosioks (Estonia), helpers were Aivo Oblikas & janar Klement. There are few members of Club sportkoer, who were not involved with this competition - 8 teams partcipated and most of the rest of the crowd was helping with organizing part. Special thanks goes to Merike, Kalev, Riho, Kairi, Kristiin, Margit, Katrin, Taivo, Andres, Agle, Tõnis and Liis. We thank Estonian Kennel Union, Royal-Canin Estonia, Strangko, US Parts, Kaitsekoer and Laululinnu Guest House for their support and also our media partners ETV, ERR, Vikerraadio, Virumaa Teataja, Maaleht and Delfi.
And now about the results - although there were some unfortunate performances, 6 teams out of 8 gained positive results (in brackets there is a place in Estonian Championship):
1. Natalija Loginova & Ella vom Teufell Insel 270p (90/97/83 A)
2. (1.) Anu Oks & Estrellest Hurmuri Hundiin 255p (92/87/76 A)
3. (2.) Merike Kungla & Estrellest Hurmuri Käbi 253p (84/88/81A)
4. (3.) Kristi Roosvald & Eileen Blue des Bergers de Corail 245p (89/83/73 VH)
5. (4.) Vyatkins Vesper & Reelika Reilson 232p (80/72/80 A)
6. (5.) Wunderstern Joop & Toomas Kattel 224p (79/74/71 VH)
Wunderstern Team Las Vegas & Veiko Väljas (91/57/terminated NG)
Tulikuuma Sähkövirta & Aarne Väli (disqualified in C part)
It is also worth to mention, that:
*Anu & Hundu are the winners of Estonian Championship 2013!
*Merike & Käbi completed their Estonian Working Champion title (EST IPO CH)!
*Reelika's Fiona and Kristi's Eileen are the first of their breed to achieve IPO-3 result in Estonia!
Congratulations to everyone! We have put some pictures to our FB page and soon there will be links to photo galleries, videos and other media at CACIT Estonia webpage!
6.07 there were ESLÜ FH Championships (judge Dietmar
Gebhart). Merike and Käbi managed to maintain their title of being ESLÜ's FH cahampions (76p, 2. place)! Aarne and Sannu made the best track at FH2 level and achieved their first FH2 result (78p). Congratulations, good job!
5.07 there was a BH trial, also judged by Dietmar Gebhart and the following two pairs passed successfully:
Ritast Raju & Katrin Lilleorg
Aussenhaus Malissa & Katriin Salumaa
New video added under Videos - Aivo, Merike & Käbi at Estonian Winner 2013 show, where they were demonstrating IPO and explaining the meaning of training dogs in protection.
25-26.06 there was ESLÜ's IPO competition (judge Reijo Kojo, helpers Rene Radala and Madis Koitla) and Sportkoer's people achieved some nice results. It was really cool to see that almost all of our club members were there to help and support the ones that were performing. Awesome!
1. place Merike Kungla & Estrellest Hurmuri Käbi 256p TSB A (91/81/84)
2. place Toomas Kattel & Wunderstern Joop 232p TSB A (82/72/78)
Toomas and Joop won also the title of ESLÜ's Universal Winner 2013 (show + IPO)!
Veikol and Vegas did not manage to pass the tracking part this time, but there's going to be the next time! :) (8/82/81 TSB A)
3. place Monika Rusing & Margman Wildfire Wanda 248p TSB VH (93/85/70)
Congratulations to everyone who did well!
There are 3 new galleries from events during 2 recent weekends - FH competition, JUNIOR CUP and BH and IPO trials!
19.05 were held the first BH and IPO trials of this season. Trials were judged by Peteris Akimovs from Latvia, helperwork done by Aivo Oblikas. During this long there was both real summer heat and truly heavy rain, speaking of the performances - one can always do even better :), but all in all it was a great day! The results were following:IPO-2:
Anu Oks & Estrellest Hurmuri Hundiin 266p (94/86/86) TSB A
Aarne Väli & Tulikuuma Sähkövirta 259p (96/88/75) TSB A
Reelika Reilson & Vyatkins’ Vesper 257p (85/90/82) TSB A
Kristi Roosvald & Eileen Blue Des Bergers De Corail 242p (78/77/87) TSB A
Taivo Maar & Ruutipussi Nuutti passed
Andres Väliste & Estrellest Ustav Blakcy passed
Agle Oissar & Nochnoj Dozor Italya passed
Katrin Ratt & Cardamine’s Alexander passed
Katrin Lilleorg & Ritast Raju failed
Kille Ellik & Angelically Jady failed
Congratulations to everyone who succeeded!
The historical moment of the event was the fact, that there were no malinois nor beauceron with IPO-2 result until today in Estonia :)
We thank judge Peteris Akimovs and all the people who helped with organizing work (and there was lots of them). Special thanks to Piret and Marit!
JUNIOR CUP 2013 competition was held today. Although the number of participants was smaller than last year, the level was impressive. It was clearly visible, taht the children had been seriously preparing for this competition and had a really nice contact and cooperation with their dogs. Congratulations! We are grateful to Royal Canin for supporting the competition!
Merilin Priivits (6a) & Olli (labrador) - 95p
Laura Mägi (12a) & Wunderstern Team Las Vegas (german shepherd)
- 96p
We will add a photo gallery of this event soon.
On Sunday, 19.05 there will be Sportkoer's this year's first BH and IPO trials, where 8 teams from our club will make their start.
9.30 gathering for tracking at Laagri Maksimarket's parking lot
10.00-11.00 IPO tracks
12.00 IPO obedience
13.00 BH obedience
14.00 IPO protection
15.30 BH traffic part
Taivo Maar & Ruutipussi Nuutti
Katrin Lilleorg & Ritast Raju
Andres Väliste & Estrellest Ustav Blakcy
Alge Oissar & Nochnoj Dozor Italya
Katrin Ratt & Cardamine's
Kille Ellik & Angelically Jady
Reelika Reilson & Vyatkin's Vesper
Kristi Roosvald & Eileen Blue des Bergers de Corail
Anu Oks & Estrellest Hurmuri Hundiin
Aarne Väli & Tulikuuma Sähkövirta
We wish a successful trial day for everyone!
Little bit dusty FH competition is over. We are grateful to Tatjana Tšernjakova for judging and to Katriin and Kristi who layed the tracks, also to Maidla Sillaotsa farm, who provided teh fields and Royal Canin for the prizes! All the competitors did a nice job, as it was clearly not an easy task to get dogs ready to special tracking trial after such long winter full of snow. Congratulations to Aarne and Merike for nice results and we wish successful training to everyone in the future!Results:
1. Aarne Väli
& Tulikuuma Sähkövirta - 98p
1. Merike Kungla
& Estrellest Hurmuri Käbi - 87p
Liia Rikkinen & Blaze Cobra -
Kairi Viherpuu & Apollon vom Team Endrefalva - 57p
Last Saturday we had a quite long training day - all three disciplines toghether ca 9 hours! In addition to dogs from our club, there were also Natalja & Ella and Peteris & Zuv from Latvia. Some pictures from this day can be seen under Photos!
FH competition will take place this Saturday! The competition page is updated with timetable, pictures of the tracking field and names of the competitors. We wish a successful tracking day for everyone!
Last weekend there was also ESLÜ's main speciality show, judged by Karl-Heinz Gladbach from germany, helperwork done by Rene Radala and Janar Klement. All dogs that train protection with us, passed bitework nicely, Wunderstern Team Las Vegas was also picked out as best male in bitework! A day earlier Veiko and vegas also passed lifetime breeding survey. Congratulations! The successful teams were:
Margman Quicken & Piret Koor
Margman Wildfire Wanda & Monika Rusing
Wunderstern Team Las Vegas & Veiko Väljas*
Wunderstern Joop & Toomas Kattel*
Heleros Qwinto & Katriin Salumaa
*Veiko & Vegas and
Toomas & Joop are training protection also with Janar Klement in Haapsalu.
20.04.2013 there were Estonian German Shepherds' Association's KK Championship (judge Alla Petrova). Anu and Hundu participated in the highest class and achieved a nice 3rd place among 11 competitors. Congratulations! All results can be seen here.
Registration for Sportkoer's FH competition is now open. The competition will be held in Harju County on May 11th 2013. Judge Tatjana Tšernjakova. Information can be seen under Events (in Estonian). If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the tracking coordinator Aivo Oblikas (aivo.oblikas@bestmark.ee, +372 56 210 208).
2 new videos form protection training added under Videos - on one of them, many teams from Sportkoer show their current work in protection, the other is showing Natalija and Ella from Latvia. Some words about from this team's background - for couple of months one of the best IPO dogs in Latvia - Ella vom Teufell Insel with Natalija Loginova is training with Sportkoer. Ella & Natalija succeeded last year in IPO 3 with high result over 270 points . With such a good dog and right attitude as Natalija is having, she can aim high. We are glad that we can help and be the part of the trail up.
As in the previous spring, Sportkoer in organizing obedience competition for children and youngsters also this season - JUNIOR CUP 2013 takes place on May 18!
This time there is an extra bonus for the top 3 in the youngest class (maximum 11 years of age) - they have an oppurtunity to show their performance before the award ceremony of the international IPO competition in Rakvere (www.sportkoer.ee/cacit/eng/)!
As part of the "Minute in Estonia" project, also dogsport was captured on February 24th at 1pm. Thanks to Kalev for a nice idea and execution.
Together with EKL-KKK, Club Sportkoer will organize Estonian IPO Championship and International IPO competition (CACIT) on July 13-14 2013! Obedience and protection are held at Rakvere City Stadium, tracking will take place near Rakvere. Judges will be Pentti Rapila from Finland and Vilve Roosioks from Estonia. The competition's webpage is now available at http://www.sportkoer.ee/cacit/eng/. We are hoping to see all IPO fans at this year's top IPO event in Estonia!
New photos from protection training added under Photos!